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Wednesday 20 June 2012

SD 016 Shin Sonshoko Gerbera

Archer Princess of Koutou

Sonken Zephyranthes' daughter, Sonsaku's and Sonken's younger sister. Called "Shoukou" by her father and brothers. Has a headstrong and tomboy character, Rikuson and her brothers have a hard time handling her. She has a crush on Ryuubi (Liu Bei) ever since he cover her from Ryofu's attack. In a bonus chapter included in the second collected volume, she and Rikuson head off to save Shuuyu from a band of pirates who had captured him.
After the battle of the Red Cliff, stayed at Gou in the Comic World version but she was at Ekishuu with Koumei (Kong Ming) and others in the manga version.
In the Brave Battle Warriors anime, she is just as tomboyish, and was almost slained by Kayuu, if Sonken didn't step in to protect her. She's also travelling to Koutou with the Son army, and met Rikuson there, to which she asked him to join them.
The first female character in the BB Senshi model kit series. While she is modelled after the GP04 of Gundam 0083, her weapons are actually based on those of Rising Gundam from G-Gundam.





Sunday 17 June 2012

当麦当劳遇上Hello Kitty?

当麦当劳遇上Hello Kitty会是个什么样的情况呢?答案会是。。。


这次推出的kitty猫都非常可爱~ 4款kitty猫全部都各代表一麦当劳经典人物, 有小飞飞(Birdie), 汉堡神偷(Hamburglar), 滑嘟嘟(Grimace)以及麦当劳叔叔(Ronald Macdonald)。

Kitty猫的头加上麦当劳人物的服饰, 成功吸引了大家的关注, 也成为大家茶余饭后所讨论的话题




麦当劳叔叔(Ronald Macdonald)

舍不得拆包装袋,怕弄脏, 请见谅^^